Tuesday 3 June 2014

Summer Writing

There’s a good reason I’m writing this post today instead on getting it done three days ago as planned – today it’s raining. Yes I too wanted to make the most of the recent, albeit short-lived, good weather. I’ve been walking, gardening, and barbequing. Of course I always believed it would eventually rain and I could catch up with my writing however what happens if we have a fantastic summer, how can we ensure we write every day and meet our deadlines.

Below are a few quick tips to help you remain a productive writing whilst the sun is shining.
Get up a little earlier and write before doing anything else. It will be cooler, quieter and you’ll feel less guilty if you spend the rest of the day outdoors.
  1. Create an outdoor writing space. If you are writing for a long period or using a laptop then a shaded area is usually better.
  2. Set daily targets. When you have achieved them reward yourself with your preferred outdoor activity.
  3. Plan ahead. Check the weather forecast and diarise your writing and other activities to ensure you get your writing done and are still able to enjoy the sunshine.

Summer is a great time and should be enjoyed. With a little planning you can enjoy the weather and still be productive. You never know you may even be inspired by all your new experiences.

Happy writing.