Thursday, 28 November 2013

New Amazon Kindle Countdown Deals

As I am sure you are aware Amazon wants you to be a successful author as this benefits both you and them. Amazon will market your book for you using a range of methods including “customers also bought,” targeted emails, advertising, and the “look inside” feature.

Amazon also provides you with a range of tools to do your own promotions. The latest addition to the toolbox is Kindle Countdown Deals – you can promote your book at a reduced price for up to a week. You can select either a single reduced price or have the price increase back to the normal price in increments. Typically you would reduce the price to £0.99/$0.99.

Now you may ask why not just reduce the price yourself for as long as you like? If you use Countdown Deals Amazon will put a box onto your sales page which states your book is on offer, how much the original price is and when the book will go back to that original price. They will also list your book in the separate Countdown Deals section giving your book another opportunity to be seen by potential buyers. As an additional bonus you will still receive 70% royalties even if the reduced price would normally attract only 35% in royalties.

To qualify for this benefit you need to enrol your book into KDP Select which means you cannot sell the electronic version of your book elsewhere, there is also a minimum time you have to have your book available at the original price both before and after the promotional price (a bit like sale prices in shops). Also note that if you use the Countdown Deal feature you cannot then make your book available as free of charge using KDP Select until you have started a new KDP Select period.

I have tried this and saw a significant increase in book sales both during and after the deal period. Sign into your KDP account to find out which of your books are currently eligible then promote at least one of them using this tool. All you have to do then is sit back and watch your sales grow.

Happy writing.

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