Monday, 7 April 2014

Publish a short piece of writing

I have written in previous posts about the ease of self-publishing however, you still have to write your book first and this can take some time. If you are starting to feel that you’ll never quite get there then why not write a shorter piece – fiction or non-fiction – and get it published. Completing a piece of work to a publishable standard will train your brain to complete work and also motivate you to continue with longer works.

If you are publishing an ebook then length does not matter although it is important to be clear in your description that this is a single short story or report and consider your price to ensure readers’ expectations are met.

If you publish a printed book you may find that a single short story of 1000 words will cost the reader more to buy than they might reasonably expect to pay. You can overcome this by publishing a collection of short stories or reports.

Now is a great time to complete and publish your work whatever its length. If this is in a similar genre or within the same topic area as other books you are writing then you can start to build up a following and, with non-fiction, establish yourself as an expert.

Allocate some time today and complete a short piece of work. This time next week you could be earning from your writing.

Happy writing.

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