Friday, 19 April 2013

Increase the sales of your ebook and make more money from your writing

The main goal for many writers is to generate income from their writing. You’ve written your book and are about to self-publish but how do you maximise income?

The three keys to making sales are – readers need to know about your book, readers need to find your book, readers need to be able to purchase your book.
For an ebook this means – social media, search engine optimisation (SEO), and a buy now button.

Social media – use the obvious like Twitter and Facebook (look for appropriate Facebook pages you can leave a post on); also consider creating a website and guest blogging. If you are making use of KDP Select and offering your book for free then post details on book sites that promote free ebooks e.g.

SEO – Every bit of information that is used by search engines should be written to maximise your chances of being displayed on the first page of search results. Your title and book description should contain keywords and phrases that readers enter into search engines. Consider all the terms that readers might enter when looking for a book like yours.
Buy now – make it difficult for the reader to buy your book or have too many steps before the confirm button and you may lose buyers. If you use Amazon or Smashwords the work is done for you, if you are selling from your own website then ensure you include a prominent “Buy” button that enables readers to make that purchase securely and quickly. PayPal is an obvious choice though there are other options. Note that when making a purchase the reader needs to feel that the payment they are making is secure so use services that they are likely to be familiar with. Also note that each step towards hitting the confirm button is an opportunity for the readers to reconsider and NOT make the purchase.

Happy writing.

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